Dear Class 218,
This July I will be your new English teacher. Though you have no idea about me, I think it’s a good beginning to talk to each of you on blog. Hope we are getting close in the near future.
Congratulations! You are going to be senior students in Chungho, which means you’re about to be in deep distress, and you have to make efforts with a view to being admitted to an ideal university. 
In the coming six-week summer course, you are required to do the following assignments:
(1)    閱讀測驗每日二回,先閱讀文章做完題目,立即在旁邊紀錄時間,譬如:550秒,接著閱讀生字或重點解說,並標記重點或做筆記。(from Unit 31 to Unit 58
(2)    All﹢每天收聽,並在書上記下重點(7/1~7/12 
(3)    複習龍騰課本1-2冊單字片語,一天2課,一週一冊,並下載4份考卷,寫完並裝訂
7/14 暑期輔導上課第一天早自習,將3項作業交給負責人

         Tue                                         Thur                             Fri
Week 1 B1(1-6)生字片語      B1(1-6)學測模考       All﹢週考卷1
Week 2 B1(7-12)                    B1(7-12)                                         2
Week 3 B2(1-6)                      B2(1-6)                                           3
Week 4 B2(7-12)                   B2(7-12)                                         4
Week 5 Ivy學測模考            Ivy學測模考                Ivy週考卷1
Week 6 Ivy學測模考            Ivy學測模考                                  2

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